Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A trip up the mountain!

So on Tuesday we went up to the mountain near the Iskan. Its the same mountain where the temple grounds and museum are at its base. I believe its called Mirksan but I'm not sure. It was beautiful out. Hot but really windy during the bike ride. The mountain had enough shade to walk up but still allowed the wind to go. It took about an hour to climb because some parts had 45 to 90 degree angles with rocks. It was sheer awesome by the way.
A little bathroom stop on the way up.
There was a small eatery on the way up.
Here are all the pathways up the mountain.
This was holy water or something sacred. I did rub it over my head.
Look how beautiful it is. I wish you guys could be here to experience this.

So pretty!
My favorite picture!
 At this point we made it to the top! I hop you enjoy the view!

You know all but the lady in black. Her name is Grace. She is the other individual who I've been talking about (maybe not on blogspot but over the phone). She is a very fun person.
I found a flag!
I'm King of the Mountain!!! I should point out that a very nice Korean man bought all of us a Korean version of Powerade. It was very nice of him. He did it out of random. I think he might have been impressed.

Either way, I hope you enjoy all these beautiful sights! Until next time!

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