Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Mountain is Conqured once more! Part 1

So I concluded I don't do about 80% of what I say I'm going to do. So I thought I'd change that. 2 days ago I climbed the mountain all by myself. It was great and I biked their (6 miles), climbed the mountain (1 mile) and biked back in less that 3 hours. It was really good. Yesterday I went to a tea house again and had something that tasted really good. It is a combination of a berry, honey and sugar. It is supposed to help your throat and make your skin nicer. This is all good (especially the throat part, I have caught a bit of something).

Either way, here is some pictures and videos of the mountain. It was sunnier and nicer. That and since I already took lots of pictures I figured videos would be nice. Here you go! I apologize that it is very windy in the video. I'll try to do something about that next time.
This is an Intro Video to my ride.
This is a video about what you could see along the way. This is mostly about tiny villages.
This is another update later down the road. The roof's I realize are really hard to see. I am sorry about that. It is also near impossible to see the gravestones. I do have a picture of some grave stones later on. The roof I took a picture of the first time I was in the area. I'll make a better attempt at the videoing....I thought I got it.
I made it to the mountain. Now you get to hear my complain about shoe sizes...

So here is that picture of some of the graves stones in the area. They are all over the place. It is kinda neat but creepy as well :)

 The next one is a close up of the mountain and a nice view of the trail I took!
 This is what I have to climb up for a bit of the mountain. I try not to use the railing.

 So these pictures are of the west side of the mountain. Not of Iksan unfortunately. Aren't these lovely? The video shows more of it. Sorry I keep forgetting to zoom out when I take these videos when I point them at me. I'll remember next time!

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