Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tea, Karaoke, and my place!

So we went and had some tea two nights ago with Margret's friend who came to visit (she is teaching in southern South Korea). This is the tea I had. Its Oju....something. I'll get back to you on that one. It is basically honey and a berry mixture that has been watered down and heated. Lets just say I went and bought it the next day.
Here is a small video of the tea place we are at. It is really nice!
Last night we went to the karaoke place again. It was fantastic. Got to sing a lot and...well...had a lot of Soju.
So yesterday and part of the morning (not to long thanks to me talking to my Dad and my Mom talking to me. A bit of unknowning help from Kim) I got really homesick. On top of that I might have had a slight adrenaline rush when I tried to calm myself down. It helped that I got to talk to those three for sure. It didn't help all I did yesterday was the karaoke, tried to learn the Korean Alphabet (it kept reminding me I wasn't home), and work on my window. Today, after talking to those three, I finished my window and I feel pretty good now. I still miss everyone but I know the trick is to keep my mind busy with building things. Here is my homemade window!
It may or may not be hard to see but the bark on the tree was random lines drawn in pencil. The bird his pencil in it two. There are 22 pieces of black paper I outline, cut, and assembled all on freehand. No blueprints nothing. The blue paper is actually two sheets (they are connected with the cross beam. I am happy and it solves my glaring white wall.
So I hope you like my apartment! Toddles!

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