Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Video Blog and what has been happening!

So here is my first video blog to test many options to keeping people up to date with me! There is an update afterwords that I'll be writing after this.

Let me know what you think!

For those who didn't want to watch it basically I talked about my consulate meeting and my fear of flying. The consulate meeting was really different then what I expected. I was expecting things like, "Do you plan on destroying South Korea? Are you a walking infection of diseases?," but it ended up not being like that at all. Most of the questions were about my personal life and I got to learn about him. South Korea wants to have sons more than daughters. Something culturally says they'd rather have a boy than a girl. He grew up with six other brothers and 1 sister. His father died so he had to be the man of the house since he was the oldest. Because of this he said he wanted two daughters and that is it. He got his wish but the dreaded 'mother-in-law' said you better give me a grandson. So three time's a charm and it worked...but his back has been hurting ever since :) After that he asked how many kids I wanted. When I said two-three he immediately said "NO NO NO! Stay with two or you'll hurt your back." So I am stuck with two kids I guess. A phone call later, two more minutes of talking, and out of the blue he said we (another lady was with me) passed after ten minutes of talking.

I got my work visa last week Thursday but I wasn't able to see it until last week Friday when I got home. And they spelled my middle name wrong. My full name is Andrew John Roy Goldbach. But they spelled it Andrew John Ray Goldbach. So because of that (and how complex it is to change it here) it has to be fixed when I get there. So the hassles might be large when I get there.

My fear of heights gets the best of me. I don't do roller coasters nor in-closed water slides. If I am not in control (i.e. Flying a plane myself) I tend to freak out. So we will see how this plane ride goes. Unfortunately I cannot use my music or computer to distract myself while I am taking off or landing (could mess with the electronics of the plane?). S0 I'll be reading the "Left Behind" series of which my girlfriend gave me three books. I enjoy the Book of Revelations because who doesn't want to hear about the end of the world. Its very interesting. Will the "Left Behind" series is a modernize story about it happening based on the authors take. So we'll see how it goes.

Well this is it for now. Hopefully you've enjoyed it as much as I have.

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