Monday, August 30, 2010

Iksan's City Lights!

So after a nice conversation with Danielle and getting ready for the day I met up with some of the future co-workers and those that are leaving for good. We all went out to lunch and had this. I cant remember what it was called but mine had egg, rice, seaweed, ham, carrot, and pickled radish. It was great. I would like to point out I did try one with crab, tuna, and mayo. It was decent but my stomach didn't like it (I think it was the mayo and tuna).

After that we went back to learn some thing for work. My schedule is from 11:10 to 8:10pm. I plan until noon, each lunch, and go back to planning at 1. Then I teach mainly 5 classes until 8pm. There are books, schedules, and many other things that I have to do. It is really a lot of information. However I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Most of the teachers don't need more than that first hour to actually plan. Unfortunately it seems like I might get the classes with the most planning time :( I'll get back with pictures as well as what I am allowed to say what I do on the internet when I officially work on Wednesday. I do get my own desk! It is really small but I get one.

I spent the rest of the day day trying to find a converter for some co-workers as well as hanging out for dinner. In this picture you see the NEW? It is called New York something...It had a bunch of seating areas and booths with doors on it. I would have taken more pictures but I didn't want to be rude with the people I was eating with. We had white rice, Kemshi, spicy chicken (more like hacked parts) and potatoes, beer (which I could not handle as usual), rice vodka, sugar cookie squares, noodle salad, and one other thing I forgot.

These are everywhere. Not the churches (although those are too) but the little red glowing cross. I've seen 10 of these and only 1 white one (hopefully these red ones haven't converted to the dark side!!!).

One of Korea's cultures involves couples dressing alike...down even to the same underwear... This isn't as good of an example I saw earlier. Imagine a female wearing pink underwear and bra with some black lace. Now imagine the guy's underwear looking the same...

The rest of these pictures are here to show the night of Iksan. That and I like city lights. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I get my own desk too! Also very small...and full of screwdrivers...but my own desk!!

    That rolled sushi-looking thing, was that kimbap!? I know it's made with seaweed and rice... I tried it when I was in grade school, and always remembered the name of it cuz it had MY name in it. I'm so narcissistic...

    Anyway, glad things are going well, your pictures look great!!

