Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Only a little farther ahead...

So I didn't get to far. I have to call the consulate in the morning and then I can send it (or bring in my stuff personally) for an interview. I would like to point out that without instruction filling out a work visa is kinda hard. Good thing the internet is here to save the day!

By the way I have a new video. I made a small movie really. I figured while I am there in South Korea I could make a video or two of my adventures. You saw the first test video in the previous here is my attempt at using windows movie maker!

Still working on how to silence clips and such but whatever... Hoped you like it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Visa Issuing Number has arrived!

Well I got an email from my job. They got the number through the cell phone and then emailed it to me later. Now I have to get a transcript, photo, 2 documents and $45 sent to the Korean consulate for the last step in getting that work visa.

Good news! Torres has skype! Now I get to talk to more peoples!!! We have to get him a new webcam (his is so old it doesn't work with Windows 7) but no biggie. This is good anyways. Now I'm just chatting with Eric through skype, Torres through the messaging in skype, and typing this blog.

Also Kathleen Wuebker has skype as well! Small world. I miss her very much. I will be able to chat with her tomorrow though so that is great.

I'll throw in more updates later. I will be sending in another video soon. Some people enjoyed it so I'll try to a different one.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things are moving along.

Still have to clean my room. I have been slacking horribly on that task. However, this weekend I'll be taking many things home so the excuse that I don't have enough space to put stuff won't last long.

I did get an email from my job in South Korea stating that they got my documents and that tomorrow (Wednesday) they will apply for my visa number. Once I get that number I'll drive down to Chicago to the consulate and apply for my work visa. That is the overall plan at least.

On a different note in an attempt to test out the video option on this blog I made a really short but silly video. When I mean by silly I mean it is not good or funny at all to any but me. Ruthann seemed to be a good sport about it though. Sorry if the text is blinding...still learning the software.

On an educational note the Midwest of America (mainly around Wisconsin/Illinois area) are prone to small and minute earthquakes. This is due mainly to the ice sheets being a really thick (a mile?). All that weight pushed down the earths crust within the area. The earthquakes are a result of the crust trying to move back to is previous shape. This was a recording of an annoying earthquake (as you can tell by participant 2 and 3).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Beginning...or a time after that?


So I figured that since this is my first time posting on this new site (thanks to Kim) I thought I'd post my thoughts and feelings on going to South Korea. Most of the preparations are complete and I just have to get a plane ticket, pack, and get my work visa once the school gives me a verification number.

I am definitely starting to feel the pressure. I am switching between not wanting to go and going now that my time with everyone is short until next year. Eric's flag football is a blast, new edition of Warhammer Fantasy, friends to hand with, family to miss, and not seeing Danielle everyday except through a tiny webcam will seem be hard to adjust to.

However the benefits will be great! New country, new experiences, and new adventures to try and test. I do like the idea of exploring a new culture while working with children to expand my chances to get into grad school. Pretty much the main reason why I am going. I do enjoy hanging with the youngsters and I often feel guilty when no one helps them when they suffer. Pretty much the reason why I have my psychology degree with multiple classes in childhood development in it.

Well this seems like enough for now. Tomorrow or sometime soon I hope to test the video and audio options as well.